Nobody There - Season 1, Episode 45/6/2021
What kind of song do you get when you're writing about a lie that's gone off like a bomb in somebody's life?
Wait In Line - Season 1, Episode 322/5/2021 The difference - Season 1, episode 29/5/2021
What kind of song do you write when you just started a new job and you’re stressed out of your gourd?
A song to my imposter syndrome (who can't tell me what to do because it's not my Mom.) UNLESS YOU CHANGE IT - S1 E125/4/2021
Written by Emi Jarvi and James Carmichael
Special thanks to Holly Taymar who gave me the prompt for this week's song. And massive thanks to my hubs, James, who texted me the glorious piano part one Sunday night and said "Here are some piano chords in case you need to write a song!" Because, in fact, I did. |
What’s Song Starter?There’s nothing better than writing and finishing a new song. Read more about how Song Starter can help you get writing again here.
July 2022
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